35 Water Boreholes Installed in 6 Months:- Well Done Aquasource

Water Borehole Drilling in Cornwall
Water Borehole Drilling in Cornwall

Aquasource has had a good first 6 months of the year with over 35 Water Borehole Systems installed from January to June 2010.

The full water borehole installations include all submersible and service pumps, UV systems, filters, pressure vessels and all the wiring, plumbing and associated groundworks.

Well Done to the Aquasource Team.

For more information on Aquasource’s range of water borehole and filtration services please ring Dave on 01726 824837.

Or email dave@aquasourceltd.co.uk

Pipe Trencher in Action:- Water Borehole, Cornwall
Pipe Trencher in Action:- Water Borehole, Cornwall
Water Found!
Water Found!
Water Borehole Installation in Cornwall
Water Borehole Installation in Cornwall