LDD successfully completes the monopile foundation installation operations at Gwynt y Môr
LDD successfully completes the monopile foundation installation operations at Gwynt y Môr.
LDD successfully completes the monopile foundation installation operations at Gwynt y Môr.
Planning Portal – Wind farm fails on heritage grounds.
Hayle offshore energy test facility to be used for the first time | West Briton.
How Much Are Solar And Wind Really Contributing? | EarthTechling.
Onshore windfarm subsidies to be cut in further shakeup of green levies | Environment | theguardian.com.
Planning Portal – New pre-application consultation regime for wind farms.
Green levies review will not affect renewables incentives, DECC confirms – Blue and Green Tomorrow.
BBC News – Who, what, why: What happens to wind turbines in a storm?.
Planning Portal – Minister puts green power schemes under spotlight.
Wind and solar power subsidies still too high, says environment minister – 10 Oct 2013 – News from BusinessGreen.