Good News for Ground Source Heat Pump Owners:- The Renewable Heating Incentive (RHI)

Earlier this month (Feb 10), the Government produced a consultation document on the proposed Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme.  This consultation sets out the Government’s proposals on the design and operation of the Renewable Heat Incentive, with the aim of providing financial support that encourages individuals, communities and businesses to switch from using fossil fuel for heating, to renewable technologies and sources.

Whilst the payment details and levels may be subject to some change it has been made clear that all qualifying installations from July 2009 onwards will be eligible for the scheme.

For GSHP’s it looks likely the annual payment will cover the full running cost of the heat pump and even make a profit, in addition the payments will be made for the deemed 23 year lifetime of the unit.

To read about the key aspects of this new and exciting scheme and to find out who can apply and how you and your customers can benefit, click here!